Our History
The idea of starting a children’s home was birthed in February 2006 when Stephen conducted a funeral in Nyeri, Central Kenya. He buried a mother of three children. The father was buried two years before. Both parents died as a result of HIV/AIDS. There was much sorrow because there was no one to take care of the children. As a result the vision of starting an orphanage was born as Stephen realised that something needs to be done to help the children.
The orphanage started in a rural village named Mwiki which is in the outskirts of Nairobi. They rented a house of 18 rooms, which needed a lot of renovations. In May 2006 they started the orphanage with 15 children. Some of these children were already taken care of by providing extended families with support for the children. Children from the streets were added and the Government referred some children to the orphanage.
A huge amount of our funds were used to pay rent and as a result we looked for our own place. Someone blessed us with money to buy land and in 2008 we started to build and in 2010 we finished building. Calvary Chapel from Amaliro, Texas, contributed a huge amount of money to build the orphanage. The doors of Morningstar Children’s Home were opened September 2010.
Our Staff
We have a total of 9 full-time staff
- 1 Social Facilitator
- 1 Accountant
- 1 Matron
- 1 Cook
- 3 “Mothers”
- 2 Security Guards
- 1 Gardener